Wednesday, September 27, 2006

An iPod Classroom?

Journal Entry #2 ASM201 Section 1

An IPod Classroom? It could be very useful to very hands on people. If I were to use this method I would choose to do so because it would mean I have a easier way to have the same lecture multiple times helping me with my work. Many people would learn well with an IPod and many people wont. Many people would chose to use the IPod for music and work while other would use it for their own entertainment. Unlike a lot of people they would use it to review work and other things. This could provide a quick and easy access to lectures and other seminars. Plus for the people that require frequent breaks they can just pause what they are working on and switch to listen to music.

It would be very useful for kinesthetic learners. In a school like Mary Ward it would be very advantageous to many of the students. In a self-directed learning school many students tend to miss there seminars and fall behind. With the new IPod class many people with their IPods can listen to the seminars. Making it easier for them because they wont be worried they missed the seminar and cannot complete the unit without it. For people that are very kinesthetic they would use this as an advantage to review on what they learnt. Student would be able to use this to study for test and exams or just use it for a extra thing.

Though there are so many good things that come with the IPod class there are also many bad things. Students would use it as an excuse to not go to seminars so they can do other things. They would use this to tell there parents they are studying with the IPod and then play music instead of working. Students might slack off seeing they think they wont fall behind because they have the seminar on their IPods. Even if they are in the seminars themselves and the teacher thinks they are recording the seminar they could be watching a movie instead of listening.

In conclusion having an IPod classroom would be a very good idea. For the advantages and disadvantages is depending on the person who uses it. Them choosing to use it well or not.

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